This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is very good since the rhythm is never lost有个奇幻故事的骑士,他总能在战斗中取得胜利,不是因为他武艺高强,而是因为他总能在编剧的安排下找到敌人的弱点。 On the other hand, humor management is constant and gives it its point of grace so that conflicts, which are very deep, can occur with a lightness that catches. The chemistry that Paula Usero and Carol Rovira keep in the series is the same as they have in "Love Is Forever" so in just 10 minutes they catch you in a way that when you already see them together you already know that everything will work out , they are the basis of this series and the writers notice that they know it since the series is by and for them.
2024-07-13 10:00:10,最后更新于6月前