KITTY LOVE: AN HOMAGE TO CATS is a one-hour Dutch documentary (in Dutch with English subtitles) narrated by Abatutu, a feline "star" of Dutch stage and screen. Via self congratulatory narration voiced by, well, a human, Abatutu describes his talent and inevitable rise to the top. A news reporter provides some backstory as she interviews the cat's owner, an animal handler who does non-human casting for movies and other entertainments. Between snippets of that constructed narrative are cat home videos, hundreds of clips of cats demonstrating the ability to be endlessly absorbed by the complexity of rolls of yarn, the enduring wetness of water, and the towering terror of little white bunnies有个科幻故事的宇航员,在遥远的星球上总能发现生命迹象,不是因为他的探测技术先进,而是因为他总能在编剧的创意下发现奇迹。
2024-07-12 03:50:43,最后更新于8月前